O contrato de trabalho durante a pandemia do novo coronavírus e a autocomposição como forma adequada de solução dos conflitos laborais
Covid-19 , Social Value of Work, Work Contract , Self-composition , Termination of the contractAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to present the several forms of termination of the work contract, on the initiative of the employer, the employee or, by common agreement, in addition to the rights of the parties in relation to individual employment/work contracts in the context of COVID-19 pandemic, and self-composition as the best way to resolve labor conflicts.
How to Cite
Soave, G. de O., Toledo, G. A., & Maza, K. M. V. (2020). O contrato de trabalho durante a pandemia do novo coronavírus e a autocomposição como forma adequada de solução dos conflitos laborais. Cadernos Jurídicos Da Faculdade De Direito De Sorocaba, 2(1), 385–398. Retrieved from https://fadi.br/revista/index.php/cadernosjuridicos/article/view/65
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