Aplicação da qualificadora do feminicídio aos crimes contra transexuais
Femicide , Transsexuality , Violence against women , Equal protectionAbstract
This article aims to analyze the application to crimes against transsexuals of the qualifier of feminicide, included through Law n. º 13,104 of March 9, 2015 in the special part of the Penal Code, verifying the possibility of transsexuals appearing as a victim, a taxable person, whether in reason domestic and family violence, for contempt or discrimination against their gender condition, whether when victim of homicide or attempted homicide. To this end, fundamental principles inherent to human life will be studied initially, as well as general aspects of Law 13.104 of 9 March 2015, which included in the Penal Code the qualifier of the crime of femicide as a crime committed against women, characterizing femicide as homicide. qualified, including him in the list of heinous crimes. The bibliographic referential methodology was adopted in the research, using books, articles, Brazilian legislation and works that deal with the theme studied here.