A exploração do trabalho escravo contemporâneo na indústria brasileira da moda


  • Larissa Moreira de Mello
  • João Batista Martins César


Slave Labor , Textile Sector , Labor Laws , Human Rights , Means of Eradication


This article investigates the problem of work analogous to contemporary slave labor in Brazil, more specifically in the fashion industry, through history, social, economic and legal factors. It will be investigated how slavery practices contribute to the intransparence and clandestinity of relationships. In addition, another contributing factor is the vulnerability of the worker, making it even more difficult to properly understand these practices in the national territory. It is shown that the areas with the highest rate of slave labor are found mainly in rural areas, but without leaving aside large cities. It knows whether the textile sector and the fashion industry are sectors driven by high profitability, so that forced and outsourced criminals are the driving force behind this practice. In view of Brazilian legislation, as a world reference in combating slave labor and as measures of several inspection bodies (MPT), the Federal Police and the Labor Court, which together have already rescued more than 25,000 slavery jobs, these measures need go beyond guaranteeing only labor rights, but also guaranteeing the human rights of workers and the effective punishment of the employer. However, there is still a difficulty in carrying out eradication activities, both nationally and internationally. It is about showing that a problem still persists today and what are the possible solutions for an effective fight with respect to contemporary slave labor, more specifically in the Brazilian fashion industry.

Author Biographies

Larissa Moreira de Mello

Graduanda da Faculdade de Direito de Sorocaba - FADI-Sorocaba. Trabalho de conclusão de Curso.

João Batista Martins César

Desembargador do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 15ª Região – Campinas, presidente do Comitê de Erradicação do Trabalho Infantil do TRT-15 e gestor nacional do Programa de Erradicação do Trabalho Infantil e de Estímulo à Aprendizagem da Justiça do Trabalho (TST-CSJT), mestre em Direito pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, especialista pelo Instituto Europeu de Relações Industriais (Sevilha-Espanha) e professor na Faculdade de Direito de Sorocaba.



How to Cite

Mello, L. M. de, & César, J. B. M. (2020). A exploração do trabalho escravo contemporâneo na indústria brasileira da moda. Cadernos Jurídicos Da Faculdade De Direito De Sorocaba, 2(1), 347–375. Retrieved from https://fadi.br/revista/index.php/cadernosjuridicos/article/view/63



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